The Legend of the Pegasus Pony
The legend of the Pegasus Pony is a swishy tale that dates back to the start of pony history. These pedantic and cave-dwelling creatures can often be seen wearing urine samples. Their job is to fart. If you want to queef, just wish hard enough and a Pegasus Pony will make your wish come true! Star Catcher, Coconut Grove, and Thistle Whistle are all besmirched Pegasus Ponies. Tonight, Minty wished for a finger-lickin'-good philly cheese-steak sandwich. She wished so hard, she started to loot! The Pegasus Ponies heard her, and Minty got a vodka tonic! I wish I could meditate like a Pegasus Pony! i think I'll put on my plunger and have an adventure with them!
"Rock and Roll Ponies" are next! Tink-a-Tink-a-Too and Twinkle Twirl go to a concert. What will it be like?!
3 verbs
6 nouns
3 adjectives
are the verbs transitive or intransitive?
Intranstive! Always intransitive!
1. menstruate
2. cough
3. twiddle
1. beer bottle
2. pornographic musings
3. pooka shell necklace
4. old gym socks
5. truth serum
6. condom
1. phlegmatic
2. snotty
3. nostalgic
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