Mad Libs Junior: My Little Pony

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Legend of the Pegasus Pony

The legend of the Pegasus Pony is a swishy tale that dates back to the start of pony history. These pedantic and cave-dwelling creatures can often be seen wearing urine samples. Their job is to fart. If you want to queef, just wish hard enough and a Pegasus Pony will make your wish come true! Star Catcher, Coconut Grove, and Thistle Whistle are all besmirched Pegasus Ponies. Tonight, Minty wished for a finger-lickin'-good philly cheese-steak sandwich. She wished so hard, she started to loot! The Pegasus Ponies heard her, and Minty got a vodka tonic! I wish I could meditate like a Pegasus Pony! i think I'll put on my plunger and have an adventure with them!

"Rock and Roll Ponies" are next! Tink-a-Tink-a-Too and Twinkle Twirl go to a concert. What will it be like?!

3 verbs
6 nouns
3 adjectives